Getting to Know the Council: Ody Orad

October 22, 2024

Ody Orad

IT Business Analyst

I want to smooth the way for teachers to earn their CDA by improving the Council’s IT systems.

Ody believes problems aren’t stop signs. Instead, problems are guidelines that should stir you to search for new solutions—an approach she takes to computers and cooking. “When I’m cooking,” she says, “I like to innovate, which can lead to failure but also shows me the areas for improvement.” So does the work Ody does as the IT business analyst at the Council, where she saw an area for improvement in the way we issue CDA credentials. In the past, the Council used a manual process to pull out data from its systems and send it to USA Fulfillment, which produced paper credentials and mailed them to candidates who had succeeded in earning a CDA. This longtime procedure was complex due to the manual process by which the Council extracted candidates’ addresses. So, Ody found a way to automate the system and provide a streamlined, error-free workflow.

Like cooking, this involved trial and error, Ody explains, because “nothing with computers is black and white.” But there’s no grey area when it comes to the reasons why she strives to serve CDA candidates better. Ody values what educators do since she’s the mom of an eight-year-old daughter and knows “you can’t just leave your child in the hands of someone who doesn’t have the passion and skills to work well with children.” So, Ody is glad to be working at a place where she can make an impact on the early learning profession. “I get personal satisfaction from meeting our CDA candidates’ needs and making the credentialing process smoother and less stressful for them,” Ody says. She also values the Council’s commitment to respect, integrity and team work, values she’s passing on to her daughter. And that also drives her to cook up new ways to ramp up our systems. Whether at the Council or in the kitchen, Ody is always looking to innovate and improve what she does.



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