Getting to Know the Council

March 25, 2025

Meet Rich Wilson

Manager, Customer Experience

“Be curious. Be grateful. Be yourself.”

Rich Wilson has first-hand experience of how educators can enhance their students’ lives. “I had teachers who made an impact on me throughout my education,” he says. And he knows that learning begins in the early years. So, he urges the ECE field to support the CDA® and advises early childhood teachers to do the work they need to earn the Council’s credential. “Stay diligent, lean in and embrace the process,” he tells them. The rewards are worth it because CDA holders know how to give children the best possible start in life. Skilled educators, like those with CDAs, help children become curious and comfortable with themselves, as Rich understands. So, we should be grateful for what our educators do.

Of course, families also play a key role in helping children succeed, Rich knows as the dad of a 12-year-old son. So, he strives to be a source of strength for his son, as his parents were for him. “While I was growing up, my parents were my heroes,” Rich recalls. And he misses them now that they’ve passed away. Still, they live on in the lessons they taught Rich about family. “I take what I learned from my parents and apply it as a dad,” Rich says. So, he spends as much time as he can with his son. Rich, his fiancé and his son go out to dinner, watch football and catch movies—fun activities that enhance his life. Rich believes that the time you spend with family is the most rewarding time you can have.


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