Getting to Know the Council

August 23, 2023

Meet Katorra

Community Engagement and Learning Director, Council for Professional Recognition

“My teaching philosophy has always been to provide safe, nurturing and loving environments for young children. So, if I could teach children one thing, it would be to keep love and kindness foremost in their actions and thoughts.”

Katorra Enoch-Longshore is both a fashionista and a forceful advocate for excellence in early childhood education and training. She began her career in ECE as a teacher  at a Quaker school in Washington, DC. While there, she deepened her knowledge of best practices for working with young children. And now she encourages other teachers to enhance their expertise by earning CDAs. The credential promotes equity, diversity and inclusion, values that guide all aspects of Katorra’s working life. In her personal life, she enjoys spending time with her husband, traveling, visiting museums and creating content as a social media influencer. And her interest in fashion goes beyond the striking clothes she wears. Katorra knows that helping children succeed in school and life is always in style.



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