EELC Corner

March 25, 2025

EELC Registration is Now Open

Are you ready? The Council is excited to announce that registration for the Early Educators Leadership Conference (EELC) is now open! This year’s conference will take place October 8-11, 2025, in Orlando, Florida. We look forward to welcoming you to the gorgeous Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld as we mark the golden anniversary of the CDA.

This year’s timely theme is Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders. Whether you want to engage with leaders in the field, learn powerful ways to serve your community or network with colleagues, EELC offers diverse opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

Join us in sunny Florida for an opportunity to discover how you can inspire future ECE leaders or learn how you can become an empowered ECE professional. We encourage you to register early since the conference is always a sold-out event.

EELC Speaker Opportunities

Do you have a message that you or your team would like to share with attendees at EELC? If you do, we encourage you to submit a proposal to present at the conference. The deadline for speaker proposals is March 31, 2025, so don’t delay. This is a great opportunity to advance the future of the early childhood education field.

EELC Scholarship Program

The scholarship program is open to early childhood professionals whose work has focused on JEDIB (justice, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging). Applicants should show their commitment to JEDIB by describing how they have supported marginalized and underserved communities, as well as folks of diverse cultures, ethnicities, abilities and genders. This is the heart of the Council’s vision as we strive to provide high-quality early learning for all our youngest children.

We’ll be exploring ways to advance JEDIB at the EELC, and you can join us there by applying to our scholarship program. Apply today through Friday, April 18, and tell your community about the program. Visit our conference page to learn more and get set to make even more of a difference in ECE.



 2024 EELC Testimonials

“Attending the EELC has been life changing in a number of ways. Not only does it speak to and nurture the early childhood professional inside of me, EELC has allowed me and prepared me to better serve those that are in the field.” –Dannae Sewell, ECE Professional

“EELC helps me amplify the early childhood education field and has shown me ways to get more parents involved in the education their children.” –Fredericka Brown, ECE Professional




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