ECE News

October 23, 2024

Teachers in Head Start Preschools Struggle to Make Ends Meet even as Program Aims to Fight Poverty

In some ways, Doris Milton is a Head Start success story. She was a student in one of Chicago’s inaugural Head Start classes, when the antipoverty program, which aimed to help children succeed by providing them a first-rate preschool education, was in its infancy.

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Mental Health in Early Childhood: How Pre-K Programs Address Emotional Well-Being

In recent years, there has been growing awareness of the importance of mental health in early childhood education.

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Ideas for Parents and Their Pre-K Kids to Learn and Move Together

Moving and playing with young ones is an important part of learning at home. It’s fun to engage in activities that teach families the importance of physical activity for young children.

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These Federal Policies Support Spanish-Language Child Care

A quarter of the children in the U.S. are Hispanic, according to the U.S. Census, yet 60 percent of Hispanic families live in child care deserts, areas with an undersupply of child care.

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