Council Letter

January 22, 2025

Dear Colleagues,

A golden anniversary is a time to remember the past and ramp up for the future. That’s what the Council will be doing this year as we mark 50 years since the award of the first 12 CDAs in 1975. We’ll also be observing the Council’s 40th birthday, so “2025 is a big year for both the Council and the CDA®,” says Council CEO Dr. Calvin Moore. We’ll put a spotlight on these milestones by embarking on a series of events, initiatives and campaigns to pay homage to our past, honor our present and herald what’s ahead. The future looks bright because last year the Council issued 50,000 credentials, a timely milestone as we start “Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence in Credentialing,” our anniversary theme.

The value of the CDA lays in its blend of theory and practice, according to Edward Zigler, the “father of the CDA,” who we remember in a new monthly feature, Golden Moments of the CDA. When Zigler came up with the concept for the CDA, ECE professionals had to gain their professional standing through a formal educational process. “What was revolutionary about the CDA was the performance-based or competency idea behind the credential,” Zigler explained. “I didn’t care if you knew who Piaget was, but I did want to know if you could effectively interact with children and teach them. The fact is a paper-and-pencil test alone is not valid to the degree that an observation of a person actually functioning is in determining that person’s qualifications.”

And age is not a roadblock to competence in the classroom, maintains Judith Rautine, manager of the Generations program at Porter-Leath, a nonprofit in Memphis, Tennessee. Her workforce development program supports golden agers in earning a CDA, so they can explore new careers in the early learning field, Judith explains as we profile her this month. “Our seniors offer a wealth of talent since they have worked in many fields, volunteered in their communities and raised successful children. Our seniors have also lived through wars and recessions that have taught them the value of patience and resilience,” she points out. Many aren’t ready to retire. They want to give back in their twilight years, and their past has left them with many traits that count in an early childhood classroom.

That’s because young learners can be challenging, as Ava Wilson has seen in her three years working with children. Ava is a recent high school grad, so she’s at the other end of the age spectrum from the seniors Judith supports. Still, Ava has already shown the patience to make breakthroughs with the children she serves in rural Michigan classrooms. Her high school CDA confirmed her current commitment to a career in ECE by giving her “hands-on experience of what it’s like to be in a classroom,” she tells us in this month’s edition. “It also earned me some credits toward my college degree in education,” Ava says, “so the CDA gave me a chance to get a head start on the future.”

And we urge you to get a head start on a golden opportunity to renew your CDA without having to apply again. Our renewal amnesty program goes from February 1 to July 31, 2025, and it’s open to anyone who earned their CDA as far back as 2020. The program is a gift to the early childhood sector and a way to celebrate you in this special year. Our half-century milestone doesn’t just honor the credential. It’s also a way of cheering the more than a million CDA holders, present and past, who have guided children to a better future.

Many of these CDAs come to the Council’s Early Educators Leadership Conference, where they join to build the future of our field. This goal has led the EELC to change since the first one in 2014, Dr. Moore tells us in Thinking Big at the EELC. His brief survey of our conference shows how its scope has grown from focusing solely on competence to also addressing policy, advocacy and systems change. And the spread of our credential from 12 CDAs to more than a million fills us with hope and leads us to think even bigger about what’s ahead. We believe that the golden age of the CDA has just begun.


With cheers for all you contribute,
The Council for Professional Recognition


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