3 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss the Next CounciLIVE

August 25, 2021

CounciLIVE kicked off last month with brand-new episodes featuring early childhood leaders. Special guests challenged audience members to dream about how to make an even greater impact on the families they serve. And believe us— you won’t want to miss CounciLIVE’s upcoming episodes! Here are 3 reasons why.

1. You won’t want to miss the lineup.

This month, you’ll hear thought-provoking conversations with trailblazing leaders: Dr. Shantel Meek, Founding Director of the Children’s Equity Project, and best-selling author and education consultant Dr. Bisa Batten Lewis.

Dr. Batten Lewis and Dr. Meek will join members of Council staff to probe the most urgent issues in education today. On August 26, Michelle Brown, Council Executive VP of Programs, will delve into equity in education with Dr. Meek. Then on September 9, Sandra Kowalchek, our Manager of Growth and Business Development, will explore ways to build a diverse and culturally responsive ECE workforce with Dr. Lewis.

Tune in to be inspired by our special guests on August 26th (Dr. Shantel Meek and Michelle Brown) and September 9th (Dr. Bisa Batten Lewis and Sandra Kowalchek) at 1 PM ET on Facebook Live!

So, mark the hour and dates. Take a break in your day and learn from the best in ECE. They’ll show you how you, too, can be your best.

2. You won’t want to miss the real-world connections.

What makes CounciLIVE so unique? We know that you want to provide the best possible education for our world’s youngest learners. So, we meet with experts to talk about research, theory and current events— all with the CDA® functional areas in mind. On CounciLIVE, everything comes back to equipping you to become an even stronger teacher for the children you serve.

Dr. Cindy Shackelford made real-life connections in her conversation with Abena Ocran-Jackson. Watch it here!

3. You won’t want to miss the chance to invest in your professional development.

Even seasoned teachers can always learn and grow. But in the midst of a busy week, it’s tricky to find times to invest in your professional growth. That’s why we’re bringing professional development to you on CounciLIVE.

Dr. Ryan Lee-James provided valuable professional development resources in her interview. Watch it here!

We look forward to seeing you at our next CounciLIVE broadcast events! Stream previous episodes on YouTube and Spotify, and follow us on Facebook, Spotify and YouTube so that you’ll never miss an episode!


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