Early Childhood Education Stories (ECE)

Here are stories from our ECE community members — we invite you to share your story, too

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CDA Stories

Meet Debbie Karlstrand - PD Specialist Child Care Aware Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri

Debbie Karlstrand is a Professional Development Specialist with Child Care Aware of Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri. Debbie conducts training for early childhood professionals, assists Candidates interested in earning their CDA and works on child advocacy issues. She has been in the field of early childhood education for 20 years and holds a Masters in Public Administration for Early Childhood Leadership from the University of Missouri. In her 20 years of early childhood experience, Debbie has known many individuals, children and families who have benefited from the CDA Credential. She began working with CDA Candidates within the last five years through the online learning options at Child Care Training Academy. This training is used to assist CDA Candidates in meeting the 120 training hours required to earn a CDA Credential. Debbie has taken advantage of the many opportunities to learn more about the new and improved CDA 2.0 credentialing system through the Council's website, emails and the online PD Specialist training. Debbie stated, "Professionally and personally, it has been my honor to assist individuals who are working to obtain their CDA. It is such a pleasure to help people achieve their professional development goals and to observe the impact the CDA Credential has on their classroom practices, professionalism and relationships with families. I truly wanted to become a PD Specialist because I wanted to be a highly qualified resource for individuals seeking their CDA." After becoming a PD Specialist, Debbie attended NAEYC's PDI Conference where she attended a number of training sessions about CDA 2.0, her role as a PD Specialist and creating partnerships. Debbie said, "It was so helpful and a pleasure to get to interact with many of the Council's staff and to have the opportunity to ask them questions in an individualized setting." Debbie also said, "When I informed my daughter, age 7, that I was going to NAEYC PDI, she asked me 'Are you going to learn about that new program, the CDA 2.0?' When I said that I was, she replied, 'Good because we need to learn all about it!' I was so pleased that she too shared my enthusiasm and recognized the importance for learning about the new process and my new role as a PD Specialist."
- Debbile Karlstrand, Missouri (CounciLINK, July 2013)
CDA StoriesAs the Council continues to grow, we are now offering more tools in Spanish than ever before. We are so excited for every opportunity to connect more with the Spanish-speaking community. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Denise Figueroa-Cruz an aspiring Child Development Associate from New York. Denise is a bilingual ECE professional and is currently working towards earning her CDA Credential. Denise learned about the national CDA credentialing program while working at the New York City Department of Education. Denise has over 25 years of experience in the education field working with both children and adults, she has also earned a number of certifications through National Association for Children and Families (NAEYC) and 86 college credits. In her many years of experience, Denise says, "I have touched so many little hearts and seen them grow and become successful adults." Now living in New Jersey, Denise has recently been given an opportunity to teach preschoolers in both Spanish and English. Speaking with Denise over the phone, I could hear the passion and excitement in her voice to do more and to give back to the Spanish-speaking community in any way that she can. Denise says, "I was very happy to see the Council introduce the CDA in Spanish, this will open so many doors. This makes a big difference in my life." Denise also continues to promote the professional development of Spanish-speaking adults, applying for their CDA Credential, by conducting ECE workshops in her free time. Denise's interest in teaching and mentoring is truly inspiring. During our conversation I encouraged her to apply and to share with her colleagues about the new Professional Development (PD) Specialist training available in Spanish. ECE professionals, like Denise, are such a valued asset to the Council and for CDA Candidates. Denise is very interested in becoming a PD Specialist. In addition to applying for her CDA early next year, she plans to begin working toward meeting the eligibility requirements for the PD Specialist mentoring program.

Keep up the great work Denise, you make a difference!

- Denise Figueroa-Cruz, New York (CounciLINK, August 2013)
CDA Stories

Delriese Hamilton - Early Head Start Teacher, US Virgin Islands

Delriese Hamilton is an Early Head Start Teacher on the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. Delriese, like many early educators, takes pride in her work - she understands the important role she has in the lives of young children. When asked what she enjoys most about working with children, she stated, "Working with children allows me to work on hearts and minds. It gives me the opportunity to guide children in becoming empowered, literate, engaged, creative, liberated, human beings." When Delriese applied to the Early Head Start program in St. Croix, she learned that she would need to obtain her CDA Credential in order to stay and advance in the program. She began her journey to obtain a CDA Credential with online training courses through Smart Horizon. Delriese remembers the CDA credentialing process, stating, "Despite the fact that the process was slow, I must say I enjoyed the networking opportunities, as well as the constructive criticism." The constructive criticism came from her CDA Advisor, who took time out to share a number of innovative ideas to help Delriese move forward after being observed. Delriese is excited to finally have her Infant/Toddler CDA Credential, saying, "The CDA Credential is respected, I feel like I can check off yet another goal. The CDA Credential is the best first step for early educators, however, it validates that I not only have child care knowledge but also experience. I advise other early childhood providers to pursue their CDA, to change with the times, to push themselves forward. Child development research is updated every day and in order to be an effective teacher in this field, you should challenge yourself, keep current, get your CDA Credential and keep it current."
- Delriese Hamilton, Virgin Islands (CounciLINK, September 2013)
CDA StoriesThe Council is excited and honored to have a relationship with the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Community, who has for years prepared students with skills to actively pursue their career goals after High School graduation. It is through the Family and Consumer Sciences program, that students are gaining the knowledge and experience to successfully apply and earn their CDA Credential. An achievement that just a few short years ago was only offered to adults. On Friday, September 27, 2013 at the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children (FLAEYC) conference, Council CEO Dr. Valora Washington and Manager of Partnerships, Brocklin Qualls, had the pleasure of meeting Nicole Hodock. Nicole is a recent graduate of Durant High School in Hillsborough County Florida. She was also one the first students in her High School Career and Technical Program to pursue her CDA Credential, a decision she attributes to her instructor Katherine James. Nicole says that Ms. James encouraged her, along with many other students, to apply for their CDA Credential. Nicole's favorite part of the Family Consumer Sciences program at Durant High School was, "planning lessons, interacting with the children and forming relationships. There were a lot of returning children each year, so you really got to know them - it was a lot of fun!" Speaking with Nicole over-the-phone it is clear, that she is a very bright young lady and very enthusiastic about the education field. With her CDA Credential under her belt, Nicole is now attending the University of South Florida, in St. Petersburg, majoring in Elementary School Education. Nicole said having her CDA "absolutely" prepared her to pursue her Bachelors degree, stating, "Already having background (in early childhood education) has really helped." When asked what advice she would give to High School students in the CTE Family and Consumer Sciences program, she had this to say, "It is a great experience to see how much you learn, it's a lot of work but stay on top of it and make it your own. It is a great achievement (for a High School student); especially since it is an adult program. It will give you more background and more experience."

Best of Luck Nicole!

- Nicole Hodock, Florida (CounciLINK, October 2013)

CDA Stories

Phylis Benner CDA Professional Development Specialist Richmond, VA

For the past 47 years and counting, Phylis has made it her passion and goal to actively assist in the professional development and education of early educators, young children and their families around the globe.

She began her early care and education career in Vienna, VA, at the time she had four children and as she put it, "I was looking for something to do." She began working half-day at a cooperative preschool at her church and really enjoyed it. During a brief stint of transition with her family, she left the preschool and went back to school and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Developmental Psychology.

Realizing how much she really enjoyed working with children, Phylis decided to return to the early care and education field. However, she was concerned that she had no formal background in early childhood education. "I wanted to show employers that I knew how to workwith children," said Phylis. It was then that Phylis decided to apply for the national Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™. Earning her CDA Credential gave her a tangible piece of evidence and demonstrated not only was she capable of working with young children, but that she also had experience working in the field.

It was not long before Phylis realized that she wanted to do more and so she became a CDA Advisor and Council Representative for CDA Candidates. Phylis said, "I wanted to give back to my profession and support others going through the CDA process - I get a really big kick out of mentoring and helping others."

On her career path, Phylis was afforded a number of opportunities to train, mentor and help early educators here and abroad. She has worked for such places as Wolf Trap, Children's Foundation in DC and the ECE National Trainers Bureau. Phylis didn't allow her comfort zone to dictate where her passion for early care and education could take her.

Now as a CDA Professional Development Specialist, Phylis says, "I love the new program, I like the visits, the way it's setup and I'm really enjoying the ROR Model. The reflection piece is my favorite because the CDA Candidate has to come to the table with something - Being a PD Specialist falls into my philosophy of giving back." Between CDA Verification Visits, Phylis is also the Education Coordinator at her churchChild Development Center and dedicates her time to the Liberian Orphan Education Project as a Senior Trainer. In my phone conversation with Phylis, it doesn't sound like she has any plans for slowing and down. She undoubtedly loves every minute she spends depositing what she's learned back into the lives of early educators and her Community. In her closing remarks, Phylis said, "I honestly don't think I would have done anywhere near this much without first having my CDA - I have been all over the world, CDA is the Best 1st Step! One of the best things you can do is stay connected in the field. I also encourage all early educators to be open to opportunities outside the box - I still use what I learned while teaching artists, so many years ago, in the classroom today!"
- Phylis Benner, Virginia (CounciLINK, December 2013)
Phylis Benner CDA Professional Development Specialist Richmond, VA

For the past 47 years and counting, Phylis has made it her passion and goal to actively assist in the professional development and education of early educators, young children and their families around the globe.

She began her early care and education career in Vienna, VA, at the time she had four children and as she put it, "I was looking for something to do." She began working half-day at a cooperative preschool at her church and really enjoyed it. During a brief stint of transition with her family, she left the preschool and went back to school and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Developmental Psychology.

Realizing how much she really enjoyed working with children, Phylis decided to return to the early care and education field. However, she was concerned that she had no formal background in early childhood education. "I wanted to show employers that I knew how to workwith children," said Phylis. It was then that Phylis decided to apply for the national Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™. Earning her CDA Credential gave her a tangible piece of evidence and demonstrated not only was she capable of working with young children, but that she also had experience working in the field.

It was not long before Phylis realized that she wanted to do more and so she became a CDA Advisor and Council Representative for CDA Candidates. Phylis said, "I wanted to give back to my profession and support others going through the CDA process - I get a really big kick out of mentoring and helping others."

On her career path, Phylis was afforded a number of opportunities to train, mentor and help early educators here and abroad. She has worked for such places as Wolf Trap, Children's Foundation in DC and the ECE National Trainers Bureau. Phylis didn't allow her comfort zone to dictate where her passion for early care and education could take her.

Now as a CDA Professional Development Specialist, Phylis says, "I love the new program, I like the visits, the way it's setup and I'm really enjoying the ROR Model. The reflection piece is my favorite because the CDA Candidate has to come to the table with something - Being a PD Specialist falls into my philosophy of giving back." Between CDA Verification Visits, Phylis is also the Education Coordinator at her churchChild Development Center and dedicates her time to the Liberian Orphan Education Project as a Senior Trainer. In my phone conversation with Phylis, it doesn't sound like she has any plans for slowing and down. She undoubtedly loves every minute she spends depositing what she's learned back into the lives of early educators and her Community. In her closing remarks, Phylis said, "I honestly don't think I would have done anywhere near this much without first having my CDA - I have been all over the world, CDA is the Best 1st Step! One of the best things you can do is stay connected in the field. I also encourage all early educators to be open to opportunities outside the box - I still use what I learned while teaching artists, so many years ago, in the classroom today!"
- Phylis Benner
The Council is excited and honored to have a relationship with the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Community, who has for years prepared students with skills to actively pursue their career goals after High School graduation. It is through the Family and Consumer Sciences program, that students are gaining the knowledge and experience to successfully apply and earn their CDA Credential. An achievement that just a few short years ago was only offered to adults. On Friday, September 27, 2013 at the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children (FLAEYC) conference, Council CEO Dr. Valora Washington and Manager of Partnerships, Brocklin Qualls, had the pleasure of meeting Nicole Hodock. Nicole is a recent graduate of Durant High School in Hillsborough County Florida. She was also one the first students in her High School Career and Technical Program to pursue her CDA Credential, a decision she attributes to her instructor Katherine James. Nicole says that Ms. James encouraged her, along with many other students, to apply for their CDA Credential. Nicole's favorite part of the Family Consumer Sciences program at Durant High School was, "planning lessons, interacting with the children and forming relationships. There were a lot of returning children each year, so you really got to know them - it was a lot of fun!" Speaking with Nicole over-the-phone it is clear, that she is a very bright young lady and very enthusiastic about the education field. With her CDA Credential under her belt, Nicole is now attending the University of South Florida, in St. Petersburg, majoring in Elementary School Education. Nicole said having her CDA "absolutely" prepared her to pursue her Bachelors degree, stating, "Already having background (in early childhood education) has really helped." When asked what advice she would give to High School students in the CTE Family and Consumer Sciences program, she had this to say, "It is a great experience to see how much you learn, it's a lot of work but stay on top of it and make it your own. It is a great achievement (for a High School student); especially since it is an adult program. It will give you more background and more experience."

Best of Luck Nicole!

- Nicole Hodock

Delriese Hamilton - Early Head Start Teacher, US Virgin Islands

Delriese Hamilton is an Early Head Start Teacher on the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. Delriese, like many early educators, takes pride in her work - she understands the important role she has in the lives of young children. When asked what she enjoys most about working with children, she stated, "Working with children allows me to work on hearts and minds. It gives me the opportunity to guide children in becoming empowered, literate, engaged, creative, liberated, human beings." When Delriese applied to the Early Head Start program in St. Croix, she learned that she would need to obtain her CDA Credential in order to stay and advance in the program. She began her journey to obtain a CDA Credential with online training courses through Smart Horizon. Delriese remembers the CDA credentialing process, stating, "Despite the fact that the process was slow, I must say I enjoyed the networking opportunities, as well as the constructive criticism." The constructive criticism came from her CDA Advisor, who took time out to share a number of innovative ideas to help Delriese move forward after being observed. Delriese is excited to finally have her Infant/Toddler CDA Credential, saying, "The CDA Credential is respected, I feel like I can check off yet another goal. The CDA Credential is the best first step for early educators, however, it validates that I not only have child care knowledge but also experience. I advise other early childhood providers to pursue their CDA, to change with the times, to push themselves forward. Child development research is updated every day and in order to be an effective teacher in this field, you should challenge yourself, keep current, get your CDA Credential and keep it current."
- Delriese Hamilton
As the Council continues to grow, we are now offering more tools in Spanish than ever before. We are so excited for every opportunity to connect more with the Spanish-speaking community. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Denise Figueroa-Cruz an aspiring Child Development Associate from New York. Denise is a bilingual ECE professional and is currently working towards earning her CDA Credential. Denise learned about the national CDA credentialing program while working at the New York City Department of Education. Denise has over 25 years of experience in the education field working with both children and adults, she has also earned a number of certifications through National Association for Children and Families (NAEYC) and 86 college credits. In her many years of experience, Denise says, "I have touched so many little hearts and seen them grow and become successful adults." Now living in New Jersey, Denise has recently been given an opportunity to teach preschoolers in both Spanish and English. Speaking with Denise over the phone, I could hear the passion and excitement in her voice to do more and to give back to the Spanish-speaking community in any way that she can. Denise says, "I was very happy to see the Council introduce the CDA in Spanish, this will open so many doors. This makes a big difference in my life." Denise also continues to promote the professional development of Spanish-speaking adults, applying for their CDA Credential, by conducting ECE workshops in her free time. Denise's interest in teaching and mentoring is truly inspiring. During our conversation I encouraged her to apply and to share with her colleagues about the new Professional Development (PD) Specialist training available in Spanish. ECE professionals, like Denise, are such a valued asset to the Council and for CDA Candidates. Denise is very interested in becoming a PD Specialist. In addition to applying for her CDA early next year, she plans to begin working toward meeting the eligibility requirements for the PD Specialist mentoring program.

Keep up the great work Denise, you make a difference!

- Denise Figueroa-Cruz