Getting to Know the Council

February 21, 2024

Meet Jaymel

Council Store- Publications Manager

“I believe having a CDA® is important because it instills confidence in your teaching abilities. Acquiring a CDA credential is an excellent means of honing your skills and staying abreast of the latest advancements in early childhood education. The process not only sharpens your competencies but also fosters a sense of assurance within the classroom.”

If Jaymel Mabry could teach any class one thing, it would be on the importance of kindness. Jaymel has great respect for teachers. It was in an 8th grade classroom that Jaymel Mabry’s life was changed by a teacher, Mr. Roosevelt Cook. Mr. Cook could have simply taught his students English and be done with his job. But Mr. Cook left an indelible mark on Jaymel’s life by teaching him and his peers about the importance of presenting themselves with pride and dignity. It signaled to Jaymel and others that Mr. Cook wasn’t just concerned with teaching them a subject – he was personally invested in and cared about their growth, confidence, and self-respect.

Those attributes are readily seen in Jaymel today, both at the office and in his personal life. As the man behind the CDA Council Store, Jaymel encourages all early childhood educators to take pride in the accomplishment of earning their CDA, which validates their skills and knowledge in the field of early childhood education while also opening up opportunities for career advancement. Meanwhile at home, Jaymel is the father of 3 wonderful children and works as a pastor at his local church. He is especially grateful for all the extraordinary people in his life who have helped to shape his world, including those like Mr. Cook, and his father, who exemplifies unwavering strength, boundless love, and an unparalleled commitment to Jaymel’s family. Their selfless acts of love for him inspire Jaymel to always take an active role in serving his community to create a positive change in the lives of others no matter where he may be.



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